Group News
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News from Top,
Oct 24 2016,
Scouts Canada announces new ratio standards to support the team (patrol) system.
New ratio is 1 Scouter to 8 Youth, or 1 per patrol,lodge,six but not less than 2 Scouters.
Section 4008 of BPP
see 4008.2(iii)

Oct 20 2016,
Congratulations to Matthew Brufatto, appointed as group Secretary
Jun 4 2016,
Medal Presentations at Group Camp.

Jan 22 2015,
Dan McKillop receives the Bar to the Medal of Good Service.

Sep 1 2014,
Dan McKillop, Akela C Pack and other notible positions is appointed as our new Group Commissioner.
Dan has put together a new team to lead 2nd Beaver Bank forward. Tasha Gruber joins the team as secretary and Joyce Hoskin as Deputy Commissioner, David Ford as quartermaster. to mention a few.

Aug 31 2014,
Jonathan Ritchie aka Ringtail steps down after 8 years as our Group Commissioner.

Jul 1 2014,
2nd Beaver Bank wins "Best Children's Entry" in the Canada Day Parade in Lower Sackville. Thank you to Rover Scouts Jen & Jes for their help in the preparation of the float.
and ofcourse Thank you to all the parade participants they are the ones that deserve the trophy for bringing awarness to Scouting in the community.

Apr 26 2014,
These Super mini's visited our Group Camp theme "Superhero Camp" thanks to Jes Ritchie.

Mar 20 2014,
Jen Ritchie was awarded the Medal for Good Service for her outstanding service to Scouting in Beaver Bank.
presented by Jonathan at Group meeting.

Dec 21 2013,
a great day at the Christmas Tree farm, we had time to make a Scout Snowman.

Nov 24 2013,
2nd Beaver Bank puts 4 entries in the Beaver Bank Parade of Lights. The Christmas at the Pond beaver float pulled by 2 reindeer and followed by the Rovers,
a second beaver entry since they cant all fit on the float, a huge Cub float with both packs and finaly the troop looking out from under the canoes.
Every one who built the floats and participated should be commended for the great spectical and community awarness.
Its hard to take a pic of the whole team effort so we may add some more as they become available, here is the Christmas at The Pond entry.

Nov 21 2013,
David Ford receives The Medal for Good Service to Scouting. Presented by Jonathan at Group Meeting.

Nov 20 2013,
Our new Scouting area gets a name 'Cobequid Lakes Area'.

Nov 12 2013,
Gwendolyn Marsh receives The Medal for Good Service to Scouting.

Nov 5 2013,
Jonathan Ritchie receives the Bar to the Medal of Merit. Presented by Raymond Grove and Jen Ritchie at a group event.

Sep 1 2013,
New Name Flash
Designed by our Venturer Company, this new name flash will be issued to all 2nd Beaver Bank members in the upcomming Scouting season.
If you want one you will have to join.
The crest features a familiar image of a beaver, how familier , well think about the 'Friends of the Forest Float'
that we put in the Canada Day Parade every year since 1999. Getting more familliar it should this beaver has in one way or another
been on that float every year. Coloured by Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts and Leaders. now when I say leader I mean us, that's right we were Beavers
and now Venturers and soon to be Rovers and we along with other youth and adult members have been colouring this image year after year.
The beaver proudly rests over the traditional 2nd Beaver Bank name flash, and when worn on your right arm the beaver is looking forward, into the 'future'.
Jul 1 2013,
Happy Canada Day !!!
Several Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers , Parents & Leaders participated in the Canada Day Parade in Lr Sackville.
We won the trophy for "Best Volunteer Association Entry"

Jun 23 2013,
Congratulations to Maddie & Eleanor and all the other candidates who completed Wood Badge II.
Robert had the honor of presenting Maddie with her beads.
Gwen , Eleanor's sister, presented Eleanor with hers.

May 8 2013,
Scouttree planting, a bit of confusion getting to this location but a great turnout and you cant beat the weather.

Mar 23 2013,
Great turnout for Whitetail / Tenderpad camp, lots of fun too.

Feb 19 2013,
The first Beaver Bank tourch lite parade in honor of BP's birthday, took place with 37 youth & 31 adults. Followed by
a gathering and campfire at the Brown Hall.

Feb 17 2013,
Great turnout for the Thinking Day Church service at the Church of the Good Shephard. Thank to the congregation for inviting us and
all the participants and attendees.

Dec 08 2012,
Ok when ever our group commissioner slips up even a litte tiny insignificant bit, it becomes open season.
So at the Christmas Tree lot on Saturday Jonathan decides to take a short cut , towing the trailer up a soggy wet grassy hill.
The result was a stuck XTerra. We had to disconnnect the trailer, remove the hitch, and offer a push.
photos by Jes. 
Nov 25 2012,
We put 2 floats in the Beaver Bank Parade of Lights. the floats were represented by 3 Beaver Colonies & 2 Cub Packs and a couple Scouts.

Oct 25 2012,
Free Registration Draw
Announcement was a bit late, but better late than never.
The draw was delayed however it did take place. It was held at Sheila’s House present where Sheila, Sandra, Alan, Jen, and Jonathan.
All qualifying names were written on small sheets of paper , folded and put in a box. Alan an independent non-member pulled one name from the box.
I am happy to announce (insert announcement song here) that the winner was a member of Troop and a very enthusiastic one at that. For privacy the youth's name will not be announced here.
May 9 2012,
Scout Tree Planting
Big turnout, 4th & 8th Sackville joined in planting. It was a bit damp but the trees did not seem to mind.
Apr 29 2012,
2nd Beaver Bank has fun at Space Camp. To add to the fun we invited 1st Uniack to join us.

Apr 28 2012,
Scouters receive medals
Congratulations to Beaver Bank Scouter recognized
Medal of Long Service - Gwendolyn Marsh, Robert Hickey
Medal for Good Service - Christine McCutcheon, Dan MacKillop, Matthew Brufatto, Tanya Lyle-Hanson.
Medal of Merit - Jonathan Ritchie, May Renfrew, Robert Hickey, Wendy Saunders.
Volunteer Recognition


Dec 4 2011,
2nd Beaver Bank enters 3 floats in the Beaver Bank parade of lights.
Colony entry 'Christmas at the Pond' followed closely by the Venturer's Entry a lone Venturer Scout paddeling her canoe up river to see the beavers
and the Pack entry, a combined work of both our Cub Packs.
2nd Beaver Bank Scouting has never missed putting a float in the Parade of Lights and has as many as 3 on several occasions.
Oct 23 2011,
2nd BB Venturers setup and placed 2 geocaches around HTB Fun Forest Camp.
Aug 27 2011,
The Big Summer Bash & early registration, strikes again with lots of fun activities for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Ventures and even the parents.
Thanks to the Scouting volunteers who put on this great event and helped bring awarness to Scouting in the community.

Jul 1 2011,
2nd Beaver Bank Scouting wins 'Best Children's Entry' in the 2011 Canada Day Parade in Lower Sackville.
This was our 12th entry in the Canada Day Parade and the 6th time our efforts were awarded.
2nd Beaver Bank was represented by youth of all levels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, and AT's.
Big hooray!!! for all those who participated.
Jun 21 2011,
RSS News Feed
2nd Beaver Bank web site has setup a News Feed, to subscribe click on the news feed icon.
May 9 2011,
Swim Up & Walk Up
Every section of 2nd Beaver Bank Scouting was represented in the whole group ceremony.
May 4 2011,
Scout Tree Planting
Big turnout, 4th & 8th Sackville joined in planting.
Apr 30 - May 1 2011,
Group Camp.
Very successful Crazy Canadian Games, amazing good weather
March 25 2011,
Scouts Canada launches new Uniform
, Cheif Commissioner Steve Kent announces the new Scouts Canada Uniform which is to be available through the Scout Shop September 1 2011.
Members are welcome to contnue to wear their current uniform.
New Uniform
Jan 29 2011,
Winter Fun Bash is a big success.
Over 70 participants enjoyed the winter games, hot dogs and snow.

Jan 27 2011,
Brown Hall restoration & expansion begins.
Get ready to watch the progress as trades persons are on site and hard at work.

Nov 28 2010,
Beaver Bank Parade of Lights.
16 Beavers 1 Actvity Leader and 7 Leadsrs participate in the 5th annual Beaver Bank Parade of Lights, and wow there ware a lot of spectators.

Oct 17 2010,
Brown Hall Fire.
Through investigation this fire has been deemed an arson by fire investigators.
The RCMP encourages anyone with any information relating to this crime to contact the Lower Sackville RCMP
at 244-7208 or Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.

Sep 2010,
New Uniform Crest.
The New Halifax Area Crest is now available. Each member of 2nd Beaver Bank will be issued 1 new Halifax Area Crest which is to be attached to your uniform promptly.
The old Halifax Region and Sespenaak Centre crests are to be removed.
Persons wishing to purchase extra Halifax Area crests may do so for $1.50 while supplies last.

Aug 28 2010,
Fun at the Big Summer Bash.

July 1 2010,
Participants in the Canada Day Parade, We won 'Best Childrens Entry' for the 5th time.
2nd Beaver Bank has had an entry in the Canada Day Parade every year since A Colony entered in 1999. See A Colony News for pictures of the 1st entry.

May 30 2010,
Check out our new community sign. Thanks to Raymond & Jo-Anne Grove.

May 2010,
Beaver Joshua of B Colony wins 3rd place for his design in the 'Good Deed Design Competition'.
Third out of thousands of submissions, now that's something to be proud of.

Apr 24-25 2010,
Group Camp - "Carnival"
Apr 24 2010,
Award Presentations. Presented by Jim Hickey Honours & Awards 2nd Beaver Bank
Commendation Sandra Hall.
Tanya Lyle Hanson 5 years, John Saunders 5 years, Robert Hickey 5 years, May Renfrew 15 years, Sheila King 25 years, Jim Hickey 30 years.
Medal for Long Service Jonathan Ritchie and Dina Ritchie.
Medal for Good Service to Scouting Jo-Anne Grove and 5 years.

Feb 22 2010,
Award Presentations.
Commendation Adam Saunders, David Ford, Dina Ritchie(accepted by Jonathan).
Medal for Long Service Kim Sedgwick.
Medal of Merit Sheila King.

Dec 06 2009,
Beaver Bank Parade of lights.
Dec 17 2006,
Several Beavers from all 3 Colonies participate in the 1st Annual Beaver Bank "Christmas Parade of Lights".
oh yeh Reindeer realy can fly.

News from Top,
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